What do you do to stop them? Some said to spank them with the newspaper while others said no spanking and try scolding them instead. Well it seem that punishment will stress the dog further into doing more things wrong. One solution is to put a diaper pad there, a least it is easier to clean. Reward your dog when she pees in the proper place.
A word of advice, never ever clean the urine spot with ammonia based product. Why, simply because ammonia is one of the ingredient of dog urine. So when you clean it with ammonia based product, you are simply encouraging the dog to urinate at the same spot.
Well here is inexpensive homemade dog urine smell removal solution that will solve your problem. The ingredients are white vinegar, baking soda, liquid dish washing detergent and hydrogen peroxide. First dry the spot with kitchen towel then mixed white vinegar with water 50/50 solution working on the spot. Allowed spot to dry then sprinkle baking soda on the area. Mix half cup of hydrogen peroxide to a teaspoon of detergent and pour over the baking soda area. Work on the area disolving baking soda with a brush and then allow them to dry. Vacuum the spot. You may have to repeat the process again if necessary.
The trick should work.
To Monis: You said "the trick should work"That does not solve the forum's Q which is pissn in the house, not how to make a dog urine smell removal mixture! No one wants to learn how to clean up piss. People are asking HOW TO STOP DOG PISSN...THINK!!
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